
Blooming business

‘Blooming Business’ elegantly mirrors the sense of flourishing. It symbolises the seeds we plant within ourselves, which later bear the sweetest fruits of triumph. Just as a flower doesn’t need words to announce its arrival to the world — it merely blooms.

Life unfolds as an extraordinary journey of metamorphosis. ‘Blooming Business’ reflects on that pivotal phase in life when one becomes aware of growth amid the complex tapestry of life’s encounters. It’s a season when a fresh wisdom dawns, skills have sharpened and now it’s time to reap the rewards. An era of full bloom when self-awareness is crystalline.

‘Blooming Business’ offers a tangible tribute to your growth — a testament to the grace and wisdom that comes from the embrace of life’s ebbing and flowing transitions.

Leaf me alone

Morning glory

i’m a daisy


I have blossomed

Mascotte 2023

Calla ring

Achillea pearl necklace




Morning glory


Rattle bracelet

Achillea pearl bracelet

Inflorescence bracelet

Botanic bracelet

Leaf me alone iolite


Dew drop

Leaf me alone

metamorphosis iolite
